Many people this decade have said that Boston sports fans are spoiled, and they are right. It is not so much the winning that has been bestowed on the city (winning that is waning quickly might I add). In my opinion the thing that makes us spoiled is our ability to turn around and have something new to look forward to. One week after the Celtics bowed out of the NBA playoffs, (a fate I am regretting as the Magic are on the brink of ruining the NBA's perfect Finals showdown...) and ten days after the Bruins were blown away by the Hurricanes we had Tom Brady, THE Tom Brady, back throwing a football.
Now its May 28th, and Boston is giddy about the 6'5'' stud muffin throwing a pigskin. But you have to understand this is something that the Patriots fan have been waiting for, even worried for. Many thought it might not happen, especially after all the post-surgery craziness.
Its a welcome relief from the past week of endless David Ortiz talk. If more people read this blog they would have read my post from a month ago saying Papi needs to move in the order. He stinks, he is washed up. I heard one smart caller on WEEI mention the fact that this is not simply a slump from this season, it stretches back to last September and October...
I am doing it again! No more Papi.
So Boston sports has been winning, right? But the best thing about being part of this town is how much hope we have looking forward. The C's and B's lose, Ortiz is sucking terribly, BUT Tom Brady is throwing and stretching. Incredible. Boston sports is slowly starting to level off. Knee injuries have killed the Patriots and C's chances in the past year. The Red Sox lost a game seven in (gulp) Tampa Bay. The city is 0-4 in its last four do-or-die games (C's, B's, and Sox game sevens, and Pats Super Bowl). Funny I have not heard anyone else say that. Its always the fact that we are spoiled, sure we are spoiled. We are spoiled with hope and enthusiasm... oh and we are spoiled with Tom Brady...
Other thoughts:
Spent my afternoon watching the Barcalona-Manchester United Champions League Final. As a life-long Man. U. fan who remembers the 1999 triumph against Bayern Munich in the Champions League Final; this was a massive disappointment. Man. United was soft and out-classed. All you have to do it watch the two goals to know that... check out the celebration after the first goal... is he trying to find a vien? Whoa...
Victor Zambrano is somewhat crazy... check out his most recent meltdown, earning him a 6 game suspension...
At what point will coaches who cheat at one college program be punished even if they leave the dirty program before being caught? John Calipari is the most recent jerk who fled a Memphis, only to have it come out that a played cheated on his SAT test. To make this even juicier, the player is suspected to be Derrick Rose. This is an embarrassment. Calipari could end up having a SECOND Final Four appearance erased from the record books (His UMASS team lost their appearance because Marcus Camby was given gifts). Coaches in the NCAA rule the roost. They can leave programs high and dry and not have any punishment. There has to be a way to fix that...
Are they still playing hockey?
What's the first play Bill Belichick calls in the first game this fall? A fly pattern to Randy Moss? Yes, please...
Fill in the blank... Roger Federer is to Rafa Nadal as Tiger Woods is to ... A) His own muscles
B) His knee C) His Driver (not like a car, but his club...)
Can you believe Spencer proposed to Heidi, again? (That one was to see if you were paying attention...but really can you believe it?)
The Red Sox could have signed Mark Texiera's legs OR torso, but not both, for the same price as the Red Sox paid for all of Matsuzaka.
And my last thought, one that I am going to really try to get excited about...The Celtics should consider, they NEED to consider, drafting Tyler Hansborough. Right? Anyone agree? The guy is a perfect system player. Tell me you wouldnt risk a second round draft pick on him...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The beauty of Boston
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Quick Thoughts
Some quick thoughts before trying to sleep...trying is the optimal word...
This C's season was great. The playoffs were epic, and I don't think epic is an understatement.
This Magic team is good, not that good but good. The C's were worn out. There were so many moments in this game that proved that. They could not get anything going. Plays that would have catapulted them in the past did not tonight...
The Magic did not beat the C's, the Bulls beat the C's, it just took 2 weeks for it to set in. That series took a lot out of them.
Ray Allen showed up tonight. Too little too late?
So did Ugly Turkogu, especially in the fourth quarter.
Growing up playing soccer my dad always preached that the first and last five minutes of each half were so important. This game was a perfect lesson in that. The C's lost this game in the first five minutes of the fourth quarter. They finished the third quarter very strong, with Rondo's buzzer beater over Gortat being a seeming harbinger for the fourth quarter. The Magic came out and hit shots and made a 4 point lead a 14 point lead in the blink of an eye.
The Magic hit 13 of 21 three pointers. That is unreal... I said a while back the Magic didnt scare me because they took too many three... whoops. Live and die by the three. The Magic lived.
Watching the game, anyone who left should be ashamed of themselves. There should not have been an empty seat at the end of that game. If you be there last June 17 for a championship you can be there for a game seven loss. That ticked me off, especially when so many fans would give an appendage to sit in those seats.
This season was fun. Suddenly, in the span of 3 nights we have lost 2 teams to game seven loses in the Garden. We now move our thoughts to the Red Sox, we now move our thoughts to David Ortiz. He sat this weekend, will be be back on Tuesday against Toronto? If he is, he better be down in the lineup. Papi does not have the luxury of two playoff teams in this city taking the spotlight away.
David Ortiz, a lonely city turns its eyes to you...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
An open letter to Dwight Howard...
Dear Dwight Howard,
Thanks. Thanks for tanking on your team down the stretch. Thanks for not demanding the ball when your team needed you to. Thanks for throwing your coach under the bus. Thanks for having no post presence on offense. Thanks for making offense rebounds the only way you can get baskets.
If I were your coach I would feel betrayed and pissed off. He is not the reason you only had 10 shots in game 5. He is not the reason you lost that game. You claim to be Superman. Are the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 your cryptonite? Because once those numbers were on the scoreboard in the 4th quarter you didnt score, heck your team didnt score a field goal in the last 5:39 of game 5.
I ask you this one question, how is that your coach's fault? The guy is a bit of a nutcase, yes, but the great players at times win in spite of their coach. The great players say "screw it" and ask for the ball EVERY time down the court. The great players grab the game by the scruff of the neck and say, "this one is mine." The great players take their teammates on their back and get it done. The great players don't whine to the media after the game about what their coach didn't do. The great players don't shrink like they are in cold water... The great players don't suck. You Dwight Howard are not a great player.
If I were you I would have taken a page out of Tim Tebow's book. You know, the Florida quarterback. The guy who owns the state you play in. The guy who, after losing to Ole Miss in September, had a press conference taking the blame. He took the season by the scruff of the neck and promised not to let go. He PROMISED he would work hard. He PROMISED he would will his team to do the same. He did not get up there are and say Urban Meyer called a bad game. He did not get up there and say his team was under prepared. He was the leader and he knew it. He is the guy you want leading a team. He is the great player.
Dwight, as you prepare for game 6 just remember that this game truly lies in your hands if Orlando is going force a game 7. You have done your complaining. If you get the chance tonight to win and you dont take it, you will be the one under the bus.
Make sure you get its license plate number...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The artist formerly known as...
Last Friday I went to the Sox-Rays game. I had phenomenal seats and was lucky enough to get to watch the artist formerly known as David Ortiz up close. My god he looks terrible. He fails the "eye-ball" test. He looks like a shell of himself.
In certain worlds, mainly the arts, people love seeing their old favorites on tour. The Police, The Rolling Stones, Jimmy Buffet, Aerosmith. You go with the understanding that they are not going to have their fastball anymore, it's understood. Even though the price of the tickets do not reflect a deteriorating act. Some people find this sad, some find it cathartic, and for some it is the only time they could ever see the band.
Sports, on the other hand is different. There is only one game in town, not numerous. Bands do not win or lose, they just play. One poor player can ruin an inning, a rally, a game, a week, or more... David Ortiz has not done that yet, but you have to start to wonder when will his failure get really old. I put the deadline at Memorial Day weekend when Ortiz would slide out of the 3 spot in the order...
Here is my lineup if I were Francona... I am only giving you numbers, take a look. Then I will fill in names...
#1 (BA .294, OBP .328, SB 15)
#2 (BA .325, OBP .415, H 41, R 29)
#3(BA .317, OBP .467, SLG .654, HR 9,RBI 33)
#4(BA .393, OBP .505, HR 6, RBI 20, 2B 11)
#5 (BA .314, OBP .346, HR 6, TB 69, RBI 28, 2B 11)
#6 (BA .250, OBP .373, HR 4, RBI 16, 2B 8)
#7 (BA. .221, OBP .333, HR 0, RBI 14, 2B 9)
#8 (BA .226, OBP .327, HR 4, RBI 11)
#9 (BA . 357, OBP .400.)
If you look at those first 6 batters, that is a pretty fearsome group. They get on base and drive in runs... Here are the players who match up with those guys...
#1 Ellsbury
#2 Pedroia
#3 Jason Bay
#4 Youkilis
#5 Mike Lowell
#6 J.D. Drew
#7 Ortiz
#8 Varitek
#9Lugo (only played nine games)
Now this lineup makes sense. If you look at Ortiz's numbers, they suck. He is not getting on base, he is not hitting homers. He is hitting doubles, but he can do that in the 8 slot. Lugo is below him because he is hitting the ball well enough to get on base for the top of the order. Varitek and Ortiz are not doing that.
This whole loyalty thing that Francona is known for is driving me crazy. I know I know, it usually works. But in the case of Ortiz he needs to move down. People are saying it might happen once the team goes back out west Tuesday. That would be a good quiet way to do it, no one really watches those games and pays much attention to them. And most importantly it is not going to happen at Fenway Park.
Here is another question. Is it really THAT much of a slap in the face to move Papi down? He is still playing. Seeing Allen Iverson act like a baby when he was benched feels different than being moved in the order. I understand it is an anouncement that the team does not feel he should be getting at-bats in the 3 slot. His numbers have been screaming that for nearly 6 weeks now. No home runs. I wish I had a researcher to see if there is another hitter in the league who has 100+ At-Bats without a homerun in the 3 spot. I would bet there isnt another player in the league with that stat.
It is painfully obvious he cannot hit pitches he used to hit. This is not a case of having no protection, he is seeing good pitches. He has spent time hitting in front of Youkilis and Bay so far. Those two guys are killing the ball. It isnt like Ortiz has a blind guy hitting behind him, he simply cannot hit the ball like he used to.
Oritz has not hurt the team yet in the 3 slot. But when will it start? He is being bailed out by everyone in the order right now. People are starting to notice, when will Francona act? I still think Memorial Day, while I hope for it to be earlier...but thats just me...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Here is go... welcome to a running diary, chock full of ADD tangents...
8:03- I am tired. The C's better not be. Being a fan during the playoffs is hard... here we go...
8:10- Two quick fouls for the Truth... really? Again? Steph checks in. Magic love to shoot threes. Remember that C's team that made the playoffs in 2001 and 2002. They were similar to this magic team in that they shot too many threes. It will haunt the Magic...
8:12- First timeout called by Magic. C's want to get Ray Ray going, that is obvious. The Magic are chucking up threes and I am not hearing Dwight Howard's name called at all. Perfect. Rondo is beginning to make me nervous. He seems a bit too big for his britches at times. Let's keep an eye on this...
8:25 - C's look more solid. Magic are still shooting there shots. C's are getting to the line and Magic are picking up fouls...but it is still too close for how poorly the Magic are shooting...
8:15- Bruins winning 1-0 down in Carolina at first intermission. Is it ironic that the two things that have intermissions are theatrical events and hockey games? I cannot think of anything else with an intermission...
8:21 - C's letting Magic hang around... those threes will fall in bunches later. They better give themselves some room. Pietrus two quick fouls. Second one was lame...
8:22 - J.J. Redick just hit 2 quick threes... I guess I was right. I wish I could type J.J. Redick the way that Marv Albert says it... I will try... here goes nothing...
J......J.... REDick...
8:32 - After first quarter the C's lead 26-21. Way too close. C's need to continue getting to the line and they need to make sure they remind J.J. REDick that he is not on Duke anymore, that should do it...
Also, can we come up with a name for the collective groan every white guy makes when Scal passes up a semi-open shot. It is so audible on the TV... A Scal Moan? A Scal Groan? A Scroan? I think it should be called a Scroan. There, done....
8:40- Eddie House with a great lay-up after (another) Magic missed shot. 4-12 from behind the arc. Scal and Eddie and putting the bench back in Boston here these last three games. A great sign.
8:47- Timeout Magic. C's 10-1 run. C's lead by 13... They are starting to go inside to Howard. Starting to look like the Magic were happy with their one win in Boston. After reading some stuff from the Orlando Sentinel it seems like every thought one game was enough to win the series... Here is a link, check it out...
8:51- Did Paul Pierce's check to the refs not clear the bank? My goodness, this is ridiculous...
8:53- Scala-THREE-nee!
8:55- Its official. Rondo is too big for his britches... 11 shots and one really bad one across the middle just now with a fresh shot clock... Also watch him rebound. He has stolen two rebounds from teammates...
9:00- I love the Reggie Miller comedy show that has come out of these playoffs...his ridiculous Blackberry commercials. And they just had him pretending to wade through the "Paparazzi" after Tom Brady sent him a sweet question about Reggie dealing with the Paparazzi.
9:05- I am so bored with this game that I am now on a running chat on the Orlando Sentinel. Its amazing what a half of basketball can do to change their attitude. I am so excited for the "well we got out of Boston with a win" articles tomorrow.
9:09- Yawn. Lets crunch some numbers... Lets combine the second half of game one and the first half of game two....
Magic 81
Celtics 115
Wow, that is pathetic. The Magic are just not that good. They dont do anything that makes any Boston fan nervous. Shooting threes does not win you a series...
9:31- Strange start to the half. C's no bucket in first 4 possesions. Then Baby knocks down a baby hook. Then Baby steals it! Rashard Lewis should be dominating this game. He is being covered by guys who he is faster than, so much faster. I dont get it. I mean Scal is shutting him down.
9:35- Not taking Pierce out is bad move here. 13 point lead and bench has been solid. Ride the bench until lead is under 8.
9:41- Stan Van Gundy "At some point, we have to play a little defense." Well said SVG...
9:46- Edward House is on fire...lets hope this keeps up for the next month...
9:51- Well the C's are rested and awesome... This game is over. So I am going to do one last thing before signing off unless something unheard of happens...
It's now time for... What makes Hedo Turkoglu so ugly?!This man is "perfectly ugly." Where should we start? Lets go to his hair. Here his hair is dripping into his forehead on both sides, it is sufficiently gelled and European. Phenomenal.
Then there is the forehead, my goodness the fourhead is massive. It is so big it is driving his eyes down towards his chin. If you look closely at his eyes they are slanted, heavily slanted. Is this from his forehead taking over his face? Possibly.
Hedo's ears are also very low. His forehead seems to be fighting a multi-front war, and winning. Unreal. Either his forehead is like the Roman Empire or his face is like the French Army...
When you throw in the fact that he is more than 6'5'' it makes him a terrifyingly ugly figure.
So makes makes Hedo so ugly? His forehead... it is winning the war...
Alright, so the C's wrapped up the game. They have killed the Magic since the first half of game one. I cant wait for game three in Orlando when the lame Magic fans come out to root for their team that stole a game from Boston. I wonder at what point that argument ends? Probably after game 6 when they are packing their things at the end of the season. The Magic are not scary at all...
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Title Defense Step 2
A lot of people have spent the day reflecting on a fantastic series between the Bulls and Celtics. It was one for the ages that ended with a game that in some ways reflected the series and in other ways turned the series on its head. The intensity was obviously still there, the solid play from Kirk "Spok" Heinrich and Ben Gordon was there. The wily veteran play of the "Old Dogs" was still there. However, there was no need for a "BBS" (Big Ball Shot), Eddie House decided to start shooting the basketball like he did earlier this season (a BIG help, and hopefully a harbinger of things to come...).
Looking forward the C's take on the Magic starting tomorrow night. The scary part about this series is it cannot match up to the Bulls-C's, its impossible. This makes me nervous because it makes me wonder if the C's will have a bit of a hangover. A hangover from the intensity, both physically and mentally. The Magic played in a boring series that saw one exciting finish. However, the Magic are not that good. They really do not scare me. And here is why...
The Magic do not know when to stop shooting three pointers. They just don't. This is a double edged sword. No lead is safe...for either team. The Magic can eviscerate any lead via the 3-point field goal. However, when they have leads themselves, they cannot stop shooting from deep. They do not pound the ball into Howard, and if they do Perkins is a solid defender who can bang with Howard. As long as Perk can stay out of foul trouble I think Howard will be held at bay.
The Magic can also go small, but the C's can match up against the quick line-up. Tony Allen can play good defense, as long as he isn't shooting the ball his services are appreciated.
The pounding the C's took against the Bulls could be a good thing. Maybe it toughened them up, maybe the experience that Perk and Big Baby earned will pay off. Maybe Scal and House can fill the bench void like they did in Game 7. Maybe Marbury can figure out how to play basketball again, because his services would be appreciated too...
In the end, I gotta go, once again, with the Old Dogs. The defending champs have home court and they are destined for a Cavs series in the Conference Finals. Man that would be great wouldnt it?
C's close this series out in 6 games and the Cavs sweep the Hawks away, getting them some rest...and hopefully some rust...